Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday...... Lest we forget

What more can I say? Have we forgotten? Why is today like another day to so many people?

We remember our soldiers who go to battle for us on Remembrance Day with parades, and we all as good citizens, take time to reflect on the sacrifices made so we could have freedom in this land we call home.

But one day we will be going to our HOME that He has prepared for us. We have been set free from sin and death! Victory is ours! The ultimate Sacrifice was made!

And where was I today? Did I reflect on the Price paid for my freedom?

I was in shopping at Safeway, thinking of a dinner with my family tomorrow. Oh I knew it was Good Friday, but I found out the stores were open today so I wanted to beat the rush on Saturday.

As I drove from Safeway, I turned west and headed towards City Hall. When I got close to City Hall I noticed a small group of people gathering there. I wondered what they were doing and as I got closer I noticed there was someone holding a large cross in the midst of them.

I came home and now just before I go to bed I believe the Lord has brought this to my remembrance to make me aware and to remember what He has done for me! My prayer in the last little while is for the Lord to give me a new boldness for the Gospel. Maybe next year I will walk the way of the Cross with those people and not worry so much about beating the crowds to shop........ Busyness.... Busyness... Busyness

Another way the enemy would take our minds off of the important things in life!


Gwen said...

Good reminder, Marlene. We were doing yard work, digging up soil and weeds. We did read the Bible passage aloud, but really.... that was in the morning, then I forgot about everything we read and just got to work. Thanks for the reminder. It's not too late to change the rest of the weekend! :)

Ruth said...

Wow! Glad to see you back!!
Good Post!