Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Day in the Life...

Here it is, Saturday again and I'm wondering where the week has gone. All my resolves for the week have been overtaken by the shadows!

Everyday I wake up and hope that this will be the day of new beginnings....a day to start my weight loss. But again this week is over and no lost lbs. Sigh!

I need a "GIFT" of self control! God you delivered me out of the murky depths of sin, delivered me from smoking.... please come now and deliver me from this!

Oops, I forgot this is not my prayer closet but a place where I can journal and release this creative side of me. A place where I can let the skinny me out to play for a while. Oh look would that be my alter ego?

Ummm, I bet your wondering what the skinny me is all about...LOOK! Shapely and voluptuous, all the bumps in the absolute right places! Everything that has fallen down has gotten up again!Beautiful, shinny dark brown locks that hang down the middle of my back. A smile with all me own teeth gleeming white! Uh no... I woke up and it's still the real me! Oh well God knew what he was doing and I am not going to doubt that... He dosen't make mistakes!

But, I sure can make mistakes! And I am forever thankful that He is patient with me!

So tomorrow is another new day, of a new week and I will once again start my resolve.
And I will praise my God because I am fearfully and wonderfully created and His Mercys are new Every Morning!


Gwen said...

As my dear husband likes yo say, "More cushion, better pushin'."

I think you are beautiful, inside and out! :)
love Gwen

Gwen said...

I mean, "likes to say"

"Simone" Marie Marlene Norman said...

gwen Your the BEST!