Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Who's Shoes are You Wearing?"

Odd start to a post isn't it?

When I was just about to fall asleep last night, just drifting off into lala land, I rolled over and grabbed Randy and told him that the Lord had just given me an object lesson of shoes. He said "What?" I of course in my dazed state, rattled off something to him. My dear sweetie said, " That's nice." He rolled over and fell asleep as did I, but the Lord continued to fill my mind with shoes.

I was very blessed so I hope I can share what He showed me in a way that You will be blessed!

Have you ever really looked at a little baby's feet? Aren't they just the cutest little "things?" So perfect and pink. So untouched and soft. Take a closer look... look at the intricacy. Five little toes with tiny little toenails. On the bottom of this little foot there are all the little lines that are "footprints" that can identify us for the rest of our lives. Just like a fingerprint.

I have my "footprints" from when I was born. Back in the 50's, footprints were taken on all babies born at the University Hospital where I was born. It makes me feel very emotional when I look at those footprints. How can I explain it? I love being in historical places and looking at my footprints, it is like looking back at my history I guess.

I wonder if my parents looked at those little footprints and wondered where those little prints would lead me in in this adventure we call life? How my little "print" could be changed by stubbing my toes, or cutting the pad of my foot? Or did they ever wonder what size my shoe would be? Would I like to wear loafers or sandals? Would I look after my feet? After all they carry the whole weight of my body... what a job my little feet would have! Do you think they ever wondered?

I know Someone who never wondered, He knew BEFORE I was born, where those little feet would lead me. He took so much care when He created me that even the bottom of my feet were a masterpiece to Him. Amazing, isn't it! He thinks of the littlest details!

Here I am in my 50's and my feet definately do not look like those cute little baby feet anymore!

They have walked many miles, though mud, over rocks, hot pavement, soft grass, sand and cold cold snow! Needless to say, my feet have had bruises, cuts, callouses and have definately always smelled sweet! LOL
Of course I have tried to cram my feet into all kinds of footwear, although I would always prefer to be barefoot! The only reason I wear shoes is because we have to!
I believe what the Lord was trying to show me is that my feet kind of reflect my spirit.
As I have walked though life, my spirit as had times where it has been bruised, cut and calloused. But more importantly my spiritual life has not always been a sweet saviour to The One who created me!
But, He loves me and will never leave me or reject me! And He knows where the little feet He so fearfully and wonderfuly created were meant to go! All I need to do is Believe, Lean on and Rely on Him. He will direct the path that I am meant to be on!
Now back to the shoes..... I have often tried to put my spititual feet into shoes that didn't fit me!
"Oh look at those shoes! I want shoes like that!" Ouch, there too tight! Awe there too big! They don't have the right color!
I have to admit in my closet there are shoes right now that I have bought but can never wear because of those same reasons!
But wait, just take a peak inside my spiritual closet.... Can it be? Is there spiritual shoes in there that I have tried to put on that don't fit me? Maybe the wrong color?
God wants me to have "Beautiful Feet." The Bible says "How lovely are the feet of those, who bring Good News." How can I have "Beautiful Feet" if I am always wanting the same "shoes" as others?
God created me and my feet with a plan and a purpose and my spiritual shoes will be completely different than anyone elses. No one else can fill my shoes, and I cannot fill some one elses! The many miles that I put on will take me to different places and purposes, than anyone else will travel.
The variety of styles and colors of my shoes in my spiritual closet are a symbol of the gifts and talents that He has given me to "PUT ON" to enable me to share the "GOOD NEWS."
Oh it feel so good when I am wearing the right shoes!
There is an old saying that says "Walk a mile in my shoes." Don't listen!
God has created us all with a plan and a purpose and He knows where that path will take our little feet. The callouses, blisters cuts and bruises are only there because we have chosen to wear other peoples shoes.
So today I want to encourage anyone who reads this to...
Wear the shoes God has given your "Little Feet"!


Charlene said...

Thank you for sharing Marlene. What a beautiful revelation for you. It blessed me greatly and is an awesome thought for me to continue this day. God bless you!

Jenny said...

I loved this post. Probably my favorite blog post I've read in awhile!!
Thanks for sharing!

Christy said...

Great post Mom! You have always been a good writer and now you have a place to put all your thoughts!!!

Love you!