Monday, June 9, 2008

God is so good to me!

It's a new day! And I am so thankful to our great big wonderful God , the author and finisher of my faith! He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul and He makes ALL things beautiful in His Time!

I must confess that sometimes I don't understand His timing, but I do know this one thing... His timing is perfect!

I have been a Christian for a long time and I must admit that I have been a very timid Christian. I was afraid of what people might say and I never wanted to feel rejection. Even in serving in the Church, I wanted to be accepted so I did what I thought was required of me ..WRONG thing to do.

I just wanted to be liked by everyone, but in doing that I spiraled downward, because God created each and everyone of us including me for a special purpose. God can only let us go our own ways for so long until He allows us to come to the end of ourselves where we realized that everything we "thought" was important is not important at all!

For a long while now I have felt God moving in me towards something different. I want to be one of those "wierd" people, one of those people who are so on fire for God that they can't contain themselves. I do not want to be the same fearful person any longer!

I want to have a hunger for God that is an all consuming fire that burns within the deepest recesses of my being! My prayer is that He will draw me closer to Himself and in that I will draw others to Him!

Isn't God Good! In spite of the messes we make, trying to work things out our own way, He can make those things the turning points in our lives!

My prayer for today is "Thank you God for another day! May You rule and reign in me and make me a vessal that can be used to touch someone today! AMEN


Gwen said...

preach it sistah!

Roberta said...

awesome post mom!!

Jenny said...

Wonderful post!!!